the fun
What's Happening Downtown
Here is where you want to focus on events. If your events allow for sponsorships or vendor registration, use this page as a one-stop shop for all your event needs. Big events should be highlighted here and then link to their own event page where you can add additional features such as bands, vendor registration, and pics from previous years to highlight the experience they can expect.
It is always good to write a few sentences as an intro to a page and pack them with keywords.
If you allow people to host events downtown or have an event center or other rentals you can make the button above go to different things:
A separate page where you have event hosting rental options if there are several
Email address to contact staff about hosting an event
An inquiry form that collects info from them and then you reach out
Sponsorship Opportunities
This is a good place to list sponsorship opportunities that aren't specifically linked to an event or just discuss opportunities in general and give them aa way to reach out if they are interested in learning more. If you have opportunities specifically tied to an event we recommend listing them on the event page.