Doing Business in City Name
Consider developing a "Doing Business Guide" and then list the highlights here of why they should choose to do business in your downtown. Make sure to include resources, info on grants, marketing assistance, signage rules, etc.
Opening a Business
Community Profile Information – Include WHY Downtown is UNIQUE.
How can you sell your downtown to a prospective new business?
This is a WONDERFUL time to highlight your statistics!
Steps for Business Opening Success – Include a step-by-step process of how someone opens a business in your community.
Historic Preservation Tax Credits
Facade Grants
Consider developing a page focused on Property Redevelopment Resources
Business Resources
Share links to both local, state and federal resources as a quick reference for businesses looking to move to your downtown. Some examples could include:
Business Link NC
Carolina Small Business Development
NC Business Resource Guide resource_guide.pdf (
NC Retail Merchant Association
Small Business Center
Include your Main Street Director's contact information as well as any marketing or support services you offer for downtown businesses.
Promotional Resources
Our INSERT NAME OF MAIN STREET ORGANIZATION has valuable resources to help yo promote your business, including:
Training Classes
Business After Hours Events
Sponsorship Opportunities
Mentorship Programs
Downtown Dollars
Other Retail Promotions
Include your Main Street Director's contact information as well as any additional marketing or support services you offer for downtown businesses.
If you have other things you want to post such as links to recommended sites like Google My Business, Yelp, Open Table, etc where they can claim their free listing, you can put those here as well.